Point Zero
Floatation Center
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Dubai Float Massage Therapy: Long-lasting And Versatile

Floatation Therapy was brought to UAE as an antidote for the stressful and sometimes exhaustive lifestyle we lead. The foresight has proven successful as floatation and is supportive therapies are becoming known as a true meaning of self understanding and well-being. Today, we would like to “reveal” 9 benefits of float therapy.

1) Tame tension headaches: A recent study at UC Irvine confirms that floatation therapy is a “long-lasting and versatile treatment” for chronic tension headaches. Neck tight? Shoulders tense? Relief is just a float away…

2) Improve sleep: Insomnia comes in many forms, but it’s never a welcome visitor to your bed. Floating for just two hours a week for two weeks has been shown to improve insomnia symptoms for 12 weeks . Begin a once-a-week float habit, and start sleeping better…what’s not to love about that?

3) Reduce blood pressure: “Lowering your blood pressure can pay off in significant reductions in your risk of strokes and heart attacks, regardless of your age and even if your readings are already in the normal range”.So even if you’re young and healthy, everyone can benefit from lowering their blood pressure, and floating is a simple, effective and even enjoyable way to achieve that goal.

4) Relax: Numerous studies have shown floatation therapy to be an incredibly effective and accessible way to reduce many symptoms of stress. Participants in these studies experienced elevated moods, better sleep, reduced cortisol levels and lower blood pressure. Stress makes life harder; luckily, floating is an easy solution.

5) Speed up muscle recovery: Floatation therapy has been shown to reduce lactic acid and perceived pain levels after athletic training . Less muscle soreness means you can get back to your favorite activities sooner, and maybe even expand your repertoire of fun.

6) Enhance your creativity: Floating has been shown to invigorate creative thinking and problem solving and increase energy. Whether you want to improve the quality of your artistic pursuits or just perform better at work, enhanced creativity is just a float away.

7) Meditate without practicing: Meditation is good for us, but many of us are intimidated by the idea that we need to “practice” regularly to reap its rewards. People who float achieve many of the same benefits of meditation with a fraction of the effort . You don’t have to master a particular mantra, coax your knees into uncomfortable poses or achieve perfect focus…just float. It’s that simple.

8) Change bad habits: Maybe you smoke or habitually consume multiple boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. No judgement…but if you’re interested in slaying some of your dragons, floating can help. Studies find an improved connection between consciousness and physiology through regular floatation therapy, which allows participants to bring more awareness to their choices and how those choices affect how they physically feel.

9) Love thyself: Adding floatation therapy to your life’s to-do list is a simple way to comfort and heal the daily strains and struggles of life. Many of us give so much of ourselves away–to friends, family, work–that we lose sight of the vital need to refresh ourselves. In one hour, you can reset your mind, soothe your soul, and emerge energized and renewed.

If you are looking for the best floatation therapy centre in Dubai, then Point Zero Floatation Center is your completely right option! We are committed to delivering outstanding service and you will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times by our friendly and helpful staff. Your appointment will be scheduled at your convenience and will be as timely as possible. Our future goals are to expand the services that we provide, inspire patient trust and confidence and to build long-term relationships.


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